Pecorino Romano DOP

Pecorino Romano DOP

Pecorino Romano DOP

Pecorino Romano is DOP. The Consortium for the protection of Pecorino Romano by production disciplinary provides that it can be produced only in Lazio, Sardinia and in the province of Grosseto, and only with milk and rennet from local flocks. The first evidence of a variety of pecorino romano dates back to Roman times. Its long shelf life and high nutritional value made it a staple food supply for the Roman army. Virgil in fact tells us that a daily ration of one ounce (27 grams) was established to be distributed to each legionnaire to supplement the spelled soup and bread. It is a hard, cooked cheese made with fresh whole sheep’s milk, coming exclusively from farms in the production area. It has a thin rind of light ivory color, sometimes covered with special neutral or black food protectors. The cheeses after being cooled are subjected to the affixing of the DOP mark with a special matrix that imprints: the Designation of Origin of the cheese, the initials of the producer dairy and the province of origin, the date of production and the mark of origin. The cheese paste is compact or slightly open, the taste is aromatic, slightly spicy and savory. The weight can vary between 20 and 35kg. Pecorino Romano PDO can be placed on the market with a minimum aging of 5, thanks to this characteristic it is naturally lactose-free.

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